Quick Check list instruction:
Hisense/Sharp/ONN/Toshiba Fire TV/Comcast TV Panel Destroy Picture checklist.
Physical or environmental damage such as cracked screens, insect infestations or liquid damage voids the warranty.
DO NOT DEFACE THE TELEVISION IF YOU FIND A PHYSICALLY DAMAGED PANEL, LEAVE AS IS AND TAKE Full screen pictures and model serial number plate from back cover of unit. Insect infestations or liquid damage also require picture documentation. They are mandatory for physical damage.
Note: After Completion of the Field Destroy: Remove/Harvest the Main Board, the Power Board and the T-Con Board from the TV set. In the closing and billing section of the work order in the NSA Portal you will select you need a box for part return from defective panel.
The Box will then be automatically shipped. Once received please use the box and the contents, static bags and a return label to ship the harvested parts back to Hisense.
Note: The Provided Parts received from Hisense should be removed and returned as New/Not Used. . These are not the harvested parts. Do not ship the harvested parts with the New/ Unused return parts.
If there is no physical damage Technician is authorized to Field Destroy the television with the required pictures below if a panel defect. TV stays with Customer who is responsible for disposal of the unit.
1) Full Screen Picture of screen defect before destroy showing the defect the customer describes (if the set will power on).
a) If power light is on and screen dark, please press one finger against the screen and take a picture
of the full screen including Hisense Emblem on bezel, power light and dark screen.
If this picture is not possible the service notes must describe the reason.
2) Full Screen Picture of screen scratched out with screwdriver
3) Clear Picture of TV model/serial number plate on back cover, do not destroy this serial tag.
4) Picture of panel component serial number which is inside TV on back of panel. This label is identified by having a string of numbers and letters above and below a bar code. To the right of the bar code will be Hisense in black bold with a part number and below it small squares with B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 in them and in some cases a QR code on the right hand side of the label. Not the one on the back cover
5) Picture of destroyed panel component serial number barcode scratched out, only scratch out the bar code, we need to be able to read the serial number below the bar code
For model 70R6270F you also need to include the following 2 pictures.
barcode is under the left speaker which may need to be removed.
6) Customer signature. Open curent case on Jobber, open web link from the first NOTE for this Job. Add notes for Technician field and ask Customer put the signature on the bottom.
LAST STAP: Upload all six pictures to Jobber, add required notes and close this Job.
FULL Guide of Panel Destroy Process:
1. Repair Dispatch (Normal Repair Process vs. Panel Destroy Process):
2. Dispatched with parts to repair the customers unit; Successful Repair. Normal repair process.
3. Dispatched with parts to repair the customers unit; Unsuccessful Repair. Replacement Part is Defective or an additional part is needed to fix the unit. Normal repair process.
4. Dispatched with parts to repair the customers unit; Unsuccessful Repair. It is a confirmed panel issue. Perform the panel destroy process and return parts as new/not used.
5. Panel Destroy Dispatch:
Hisense has confirmed the panel issue and the servicer is dispatched to go onsite and perform the panel destroy process.